At the end of 2018, the creative implementations for a new appearance of the game fair Dreamhack were re-advertised and I once again had the opportunity to realise my creative fantasies with super competent people. First of all, of course, the trust of Lumalenscape. So I was able to visualise an idea relatively quickly, whose dark, unknown and mysterious mood came over me when I was creating the first drafts. The guidelines I was able to give the musician and the 3-D designer were realised 1 to 1. Thanks to the trust of my clients, I was able to continue working quite quickly and deliver this very atmospheric design as the basis for the appearance in 2019.
Client: Lumalenscape
Idea & Design: Christian Kroneck
Edit: Christian Kroneck
3-D: Jörg Bandmann
Sounddesign: Tom Grimmer
Idea & Design: Christian Kroneck
Edit: Christian Kroneck
3-D: Jörg Bandmann
Sounddesign: Tom Grimmer